I am an Urbanist and Digital Geographer interested in Grassroots Digital Urbanism, Infrastructural Digital Platform, Everyday Urban Automation. My broad research interest is set in the ethos of civil society and grassroots urbanism, that use data, algorithms, platforms and AI for their refusal strategies and spatial caring capacities.

I studied Urban Planning (BSc) at the University of Tehran and Spatial Planning (MSc) at University College London (UCL). I earned a PhD in Urban Geography in Economic Geography chair of Dr. Gernot Grabher at HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU).

I worked for several years as Legacy planner for different consultancies and host cities. For that field, I wrote a book about The Urban Legacy of the London Olympic Games among Local East Londoners”, which is part of Mega Event Planning book series of Palgrave Macmillan.

My recent independent research, "Grassroots Digital Urbanism: Reshaping Urban Space and Governance in Berlin”, has been funded by the German Research Association, DFG Walter Benjamin.

I am an editorial board member of Digital Geography and Society and a podcaster of Digital Urbanism: from the Grassroots.